PoC in the Osaka Metro(Model comparison)

In the Osaka Metro, PoC of next generation gate is carrying out. The used technology is face recognition and QR code. In this article, comparing the camera for face recognition and QR code scanner with photos by model. The previous article is here.

Machine for test

4 manufacturers participate in the PoC, and the gate manufacturers differ in each station.

Dome-mae ChiyozakiTOSHIBA2

Camera for face recognition

OMRONCamera for face recognition(OMRON)A camera and LCD are installed in the same box.
TAKAMISAWA CYBERNETICSCamera for face recognition(TAKAMISAWA CYBERNETICS)Tkamisawa's machine has cameras on both sides of the aisle.
Camera for face recognition(TAKAMISAWA CYBERNETICS)In the 2nd machine, the location of cameras were moved to top of the body.
TOSHIBACamera for face recognition(TOSHIBA)The camera is on the top of the LCD box.
THE NIPPON SIGNALCamera for face recognition(THE NIPPON SIGNAL)The camera is housed in a thin tower.
Camera for face recognition(THE NIPPON SIGNAL)At the 2nd machine, a camera lens beacame difficult to recognition.

QR code scanner

OMRONQR code scanne(OMRON)QR code scanner is located on the place where IC card reader is placed in PG-R
TAKAMISAWA CYBERNETICSQR code scanner(TAKAMISAWA CYBERNETICS)QR code scanner in the 1st machine.
QR code scanner(TAKAMISAWA CYBERNETICS)A white frame and an icon of QR code is added in the 2nd machine that is installed at August 2020.
TOSHIBAQR code scanner(TOSHIBA)QR code scanner in the 1st machine.
QR code scanner(TOSHIBA)In the 2nd machine, QR code scanner is located on the place where insertion port for magnetic ticket in the conventional machine.
THE NIPPON SIGNALQR code scanne(THE NIPPON SIGNAL)The 1st machine has a design surrounded by 3 arrows.
QR code scanner(THE NIPPON SIGNAL)In the 2nd machine, QR code scanner is located on the place where IC card reader is placed in GX8.

(Published on 2020/10/26)