My Butterfly
The Windows 95 was sold at the end of 1995. I wanted to use Windows 95 very much, but I didn't have a machine which can run Windows 95. On a certain day in January of 1996, I found an advertisement of ThinkPad 701C on newspaper. And I bought it on impulse in Osaka. From the beginning when ThinkPad 701C was put on the market, it took my mind. But the price was very expensive then. Because the price fell, it became affordable.

At my home, I was impressed when display was opened and keyboard was expanded although I knew this mechanism. I opened and closed the display repeatedly with delight.
After purchasing it, I made the best use of it for writing reports at university and developping applications. The opportunity to use it decreased recently. Because I bought other ThinkPads. But I sometimes turn on ThinkPad 701C now. ThinkPad 701C makes me think that it's very dear. And I love it forever.