2018/08/21 - Business trip to Kumamoto

It was pretty hot this day.

I went to Kumamoto Heisei post office at the last summer of Heisei.

Visited post offices

In sequence, there are photos of post offices where I visited. Click a photo to enlarge.

  • Kumamoto Kasuga (71076)
    Kumamoto Kasuga (71076)
  • Kumamoto Tasaki (71360)
    Kumamoto Tasaki (71360)
  • Kumamoto Yajima (agency) (71790)
    Kumamoto Yajima (agency) (71790)
  • Nihongi (71110)
    Nihongi (71110)
  • Kumamoto Heisei (71409)
    Kumamoto Heisei (71409)
  • Kumamoto Hagiwara (71412)
    Kumamoto Hagiwara (71412)
  • Minamikumamoto Ekidori (71191)
    Minamikumamoto Ekidori (71191)
  • Kumamoto Tokai Gakuenmae (71113)
    Kumamoto Tokai Gakuenmae (71113)
  • Sanrigi (agency) (71811)
    Sanrigi (agency) (71811)


Refer to the following map for a footprint (Movement from Kumamoto station to Higo-ozu station) by GPS on the day.